

  • 纸盒的造型设计
  • 本站编辑:海宁鼎烨彩印包装有限公司发布日期:2019-08-27 19:25 浏览次数:




The carton is a three-dimensional shape. It is composed of a number of layers that move, accumulate, fold, and surround. The surface in the three-dimensional composition plays a role in dividing the space in the space, cutting, rotating, and folding the surfaces of different parts, and the resulting surfaces have different emotional manifestations. The composition of the carton display surface should pay attention to the connection between the display surface, the side, the top and the bottom, and the setting of the packaging information elements.
Modeling Design Editor
Paper box modeling design or an abstract form of language expression. The shape of the carton can be excavated and created in the direction of vitality, motion, body mass, depth, etc., while combining the principles of integration, contrast, proportion, integration, change and unity, and motion. In order to create a lively and interesting carton packaging shape.

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